Vivid Trace 2021.1 Glossary

This glossary identifies terms and definitions for Vivid Trace.

effective directions noun The effective directions control which issue relationships are followed during the search process, and are either calculated from the JQL function parameter direction, or are intrinsic to the JQL function.

effective artifact types noun The effective artifact types control which issue types are followed during the search process. Can be calculated by supplying the JQL function parameter artifactTypes.

effective issue link types noun The effective issue link types control which issue link types are followed during the search process. Can be calculated by supplying the JQL function parameter issueLinkTypes.

Graph Traversal Time Limit noun The Graph Traversal Time Limit is a breaker-switch that limits the amount of time that the Jira server will spend on searching for related issues and accumulating their information, to minimize people's time waiting for responses and decrease server load.

Issue Count Soft Maximum noun The Issue Count Soft Maximum is a breaker-switch that limits the number of issues fetched and displayed in individual issue relation graphs, balancing available compute resources available to the web browser with the need to display issue relation graphs in their entirety.

Issue Relation Graph noun A graph of issues and their relations. Issues can be related by either Jira issue links or by parent/sub-task relationships.

orphan issues noun Issues that have no issue link and no parent/sub-task relationships. Issue Relation Graphs classify issues as orphans if those issues have relations that are all effectively disabled in the trace criteria used to produce the graph.

parent issues noun A parent issue is an issue that has one or more sub-tasks. Any issue that is able to have sub-tasks is able to become a parent issue.

seed issues noun Vivid Trace's "Relations Parameters" feature (available in the Trace Studio and as parameters to JQL function) can be instructed to start searching from a specific set of issues, called "seed issues".

traceable adjective Having properties that facilitate tracing.

traceability noun The quality of being able to trace the progression of the materials and units of work that ultimately produce an output or deliverable. In Jira, traceability enables us to relate i.e. requirements with design decisions, implementations, and test case results by following paths formed by relationships between issues (the units of work).

trace configuration noun The settings that make up a trace's search parameters and visualization settings. Can be designed, saved, and shared in the Trace Studio.